
The Variety of Learning Styles of English Department Students
            In regard to the latest research that has been taken by me, dealing with the variety of learning styles among English Department students, actually has given brief and clear data about the correlation between students learning styles and achievement. There are group learning, individual learning, and mentoring learning as the classification of the English Department students learning styles.
            The first one is that the students learning style that can be classified into group learning  style. Students in this group to work together with their friends, they enjoy discussing certains topics with their friends and sharing several ideas in the forum of discussion.
            The second one is individual learning. The chrachteristic of students who adopt this learning style are so different from the group learning. Students in this group then to work and study by themselves. They don’t enjoy studying and working in group. They need a wide space for themselves and quiet place to concentrate on their work or study.
            The last is mentoring learning. Charachteristics of students who adopt this learning style are not so different from the individual learning style and group learning style. It actually has several differences in the level of the ways how students learn, get the information, and achievement.
            To conclude, this small framework of learning styles that is adopted by English Department students can reflect other students leaerning styles outside English Department in general. They have different charachteristics and actually features taht correlate with students personality itself. Thus, it is very important to determine and classify students learning styles in order to treat tem effectively based on their learning styles.

Writing Task
Name   : Mona Hastuti
Nim     : 2314.090
Class    : 5.C
The Variety of Learning Styles of English Department Students

·         Introduction
Thesis statement          : Dealing with the variety of learning styles among English Department students, actually has given brief and clear data about the correlation between students learning styles and achievement.
·         Body
A.    The classification of the English Department students learning syles
1.      Group learning
2.      Individual learning
3.      Mentoring learning
B.     Students learing style can be classified into group learning style
1.      Work together
2.      Enjoy discussing
3.      Sharing several ideas
C.     Characteristics of student individual learning
1.      Study by themselves
2.      Concentrate on their work
3.      Enjoy searching materials
D.    Charachteristics of mentoring learning students
1.      Love searching materials
2.      Lecturers privately
3.      Enjoy discussing with lecturer

·         Conclusion
To conclude, they have different charachteristics and actually features taht correlate with students personality itself. It is very important to determine and classify students learning styles in order to treat tem effectively based on their learning styles.

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